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Kreutzwaldi 3, Tallinn

Info and registration 662 3744

Mo-Thu 9.00–17.00 • Fr  9.00-16.00

Kreutzwaldi 3, Tallinn

Info and registration 662 3744

Mo-Thu 9.00–17.00 • Fr  9.00-16.00

Register in web

Tips for People with Glasses

  • The way you feel also depends on the shape and color of your spectacle frames. Choose your glasses carefully, you will be wearing them all day long.
  • For reading glasses, do not choose handles that attach to the glass-part – the risk of breaking them is higher, as you will be constantly handling the glasses.
  • Keep the glasses in their designated case.
  • Do not wear glasses on your forehead, at the hairline, or place them loosely in a bag. The glasses will get dirty and deform.
  • Always clean the glasses with a soft cloth or a paper tower. Use a maintenance fluid to prevent scratching on plastic glass.
  • If possible, get several pairs of glasses: basic ones for home, more expensive and fancier ones for work or special occasions.
  • If the glasses appear to be too “tight” or too “loose,” turn to your eye doctor.
  • Never borrow glasses from others – you could cause significant damage to your eyes.