Main content Visual enhancement

Kreutzwaldi 3, Tallinn

Info and registration 662 3744

Mo-Thu 9.00–17.00 • Fr  9.00-16.00

Kreutzwaldi 3, Tallinn

Info and registration 662 3744

Mo-Thu 9.00–17.00 • Fr  9.00-16.00

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Exercises for visual aid

Visual exercises are especially important for individuals that spend the majority of their day in front of a computer screen. Here are a couple of recommended exercises from out specialists to avoid your eyes getting tired. These exercises should be performed twice a day for approximately 10 minutes each time.


  1. Look straight ahead.
  2. Look up (without moving your head), as far as possible, then look down as far as you can and look right and left.
  3. Repeat

Eye rotations

Rotate your eyes in circles, first 5-10 circles clockwise and then 5-10 counter clockwise.

Two pencil exercise

  1. For this exercise you will need 2 pens or pencils that have some sort of writing on them (most likely the brand). Lift one pen with one hand in front of you to eye level. Approximately 50 cm from your eyes.
  2. Take the other pen in your free hand and lift to eye level approximately 20 cm from your eyes. Make sure that both pens/pencils are at eye level!
  3. Now look at the pen/pencil furthest from you and try to read the text on it. Look at it for approximately a minute and you should notice that the pen/pencil closer to you is double.
  4. Then look at the pen/pencil closer to you and read the text on it. Look at it for about a minute and the further pen should seem doubled.
  5. To finish off relax your eyes. Either look at the far corner of the room or into the distance out the window. Relax for about 2-5 minutes.

Doubling your pen

  1. Take a pen/pencil that has writing on it (usually the brand). Place the pen/pencil at eye height with a straight arm. Then slowly start bringing it closer to you until you can clearly see 2 pens/pencils in front of you.
  2. Slowly straighten out your arm to take the pen further from you and bring it closer again. Try to keep the doubled pen in front of you as long as possible, approximately 10 seconds.
  3. Take the pen towards you and away from you 4-5times.
  4. Finish off exercise with relaxing your eyes for 2-5 minutes by looking into the distance out the window or into the far corner of the room.

Blurry text

  1. For this exercise you will need and item with small text on it. A book, post card etc. Lift it to eye height with a straight arm.
  2. Slowly start bringing the text closer to your eyes. Once its about 5-10 cm from your eyes try to keep the text sharp for about 10 seconds.
  3. If the text gets blurry look in to the distance for a couple of seconds.
  4. Then look at the text again and bring it closer until it becomes blurry.
  5. To finish the exercise relax your eyes by looking into the distance or into the far corner of the room for a couple of minutes.

Two out of three

  1. Take two pens. Place one about 20 cm from your nose, the other one about arm’s length.
  2. Move the first pen closer to your nose and hold it for 10 seconds until the further pen seems double.
  3. Then turn your sight to the further pen for 10 seconds, the closer pen should seem double now.
  4. This exercise is designed to improve naturally occurring doubled vision that all people experience when there are multiple items in our field of vision.

Googly eyes

  1. Take a pen/pencil and set it at arm’s length away from you at eye height.
  2. Start bringing the pen/pencil closer to you until it is 6cm away from your eyes.
  3. Hold the pen static for about 10 seconds and then place it down.
  4. Rest your eyes for a couple of minutes by looking into the distance or to the far corner of the room.