Main content Visual enhancement

Kreutzwaldi 3, Tallinn

Info and registration 662 3744

Mo-Thu 9.00–17.00 • Fr  9.00-16.00

Kreutzwaldi 3, Tallinn

Info and registration 662 3744

Mo-Thu 9.00–17.00 • Fr  9.00-16.00

Register in web

Spectralis Laser polarimetry


To measure thickness of the optic nerve fibers. Increased pressure within the eye may cause damage to the nerve fibers or reduce them in diameter. This may result in reduction of eye sensitivity because the data transfer is disturbed.


The patient will look at the cameras lens and see little spots flashing on a bright red background. Photographs will be taken of both eyes and they will be compared to normal visual reactions in the machines database. This will help determine if the reaction is normal or not. With repetitive examination change can also be monitored.


This examination will take approximately 15 minutes